It seems lately that I have been blogging a lot about food. I'm not sure why that is, but it may be because I love finding new healthy recipes, especially for Jude. Because I love looking at others blogs, I stuble upon new recipes often. I just wanted to post pics of the yogurt popsicles I made on Monday night. How cute are these? The is an outline of Mickey Mouse's face on the actual popsicle and the handle serves as his bottom half! These were given to me by my mother in law around the time of Jude's Mickey Mouse themed First Birthday. They were Clint's when he was little!
I simply mixed (1) cup of Vanilla yogurt, six larged strawberries (mashed) and a banana (mashed) together and poured them into the molds. I froze them overnight and gave them to him last night for dessert. He <3'd them! They are quite big, so he only ate about 2/3 of it, so he'll get the rest today as a treat while he is with daddy.

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