In the meantime, here are some things I am looking to create.
1. Mr and Mrs Burlap Pillows with insert by Ballard Designs.
These beauties retail for $59.00 each! Can we say INSANE? These would cost $10 at most to make both of them. I cannot wait to pick up some burlap on my next trip to JoAnn's and make them. Not sure if I will use the Mr and Mrs idea or put some other genius words on them. I love the earthy feeling of them.

2. Utensil Holders done by Crafts by Amanda - found this idea via Be Different Act Normal (a blog I <3).
I like this idea for one reason-I have a lot of utensils. I have tried to downsize or get rid of some of them many times and have a hard time doing so. I can honestly say-I use them all! I cook a lot, so I use them frequently as well. As of right now I have a stainless steel utensil holder that has my go to necessities, but then I have a drawer of others that I use less often and then another space for all my serving pieces, and another space for the grilling utensils. It's not that they are all unorganized and a mess...its just that they are all in different organized spaces. If I had seperate holders for each, I could keep them together - but separate in a wonderful way. I am not sure when I make mine if they will necessarily be in the same type of plastic containers...but I just like the concept used here.
I want to better utilize my storage space in the kitchen. I am constantly improving this problem by moving things over and over again, finding better storage tools that are sold or by changing the way I buy items. I want to free up some space before the new baby arrives since where Jude's bottles use to be, there are now sippy cups, cups, kids plates/bowls, etc. Now we will need space for both. I thought that if I bought two of these it would free up two drawers in our kitchen. I would install them on the cabinet under the sink and use one for the wraps and storage bags and the other for the phone book that is in the other drawer.
4. Car organizer found at
I have been saying for awhile that I need a car organizer of sorts. My vehicle has always been my downfall. I keep everything else in my life neat and orgaized....everything has its place. My car on the other hand is a different story. It's a disaster. Unfortunately for me, Jude doesn't care about the cleanliness of my car either. I found this tutorial and I think that I may use this exact one or find something similar. I will likely make one for each of my seat backs; one for Jude and one for the new baby when she makes her appearance.
5. Shower Curtain by DesignSponge
I have been searching for a gender neutral shower curtain so I can redo the guest (kids) bathroom. Right now-it is decorated for adults. I don't necessarily want it to be too kiddish, but more kiddish than it is now. That means that it needs a paint job, a new curtain, new rugs and kid friendlier wall art. Also, I would like to remove the existing towel bar and replace it with a hook for each child at a kid friendly height. I would like to put an additonal hook above to hang a slouchy basket or a galvanized bucket with their names on it above to hold their lotions, washcloths, and such other things. I thought that this tutorial from DesignSponge was great for including things that would fit both genders.
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