Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Nature Boy

I knew when Jude was a newborn that he was going to love the outdoors, nature and animals.  From the very start he preferred being outdoors to indoors.  He was always so content sitting in his bouncy seat or laying on a blanket under a tree.  He would watch the leaves sway in the wind.  Also,  if he heard the sounds of the cows,  horses, chickens, goats or other animal that could be heard from our yard, he would turn towards the noise hoping to get a glance at whatever it may be.
This year he really had a fascination with turtles.  My father in law, Ron, happened to find three of them to put in the decorative pond he had in his back yard.  As the end of summer draws near we knew it was time to release the turtles back into the wild.Since we have a neighbor with a ten acre pond, we decided that was a nice place to let them go.

We made it into an exciting family event!  Jude had a wonderful time and he and Clint went swimming afterwards.  The only problem we have is that afterwards, for weeks Jude kept asking where his turtles went.  I am not sure he understood we were leaving them forever. 

Next year we will gather some more and release them once again but this time we will have our own little pond for them to live in since Clint put one in recently.  I cannot wait to show off my husbands landscaping skills!  Wait for that post to come soon!  As for now..check out the photos from the turtles release day below!

Three turtles....awaiting their release.
Jude proud to show off his "pets".
The release....
Watching them swim away as fast as possible...
Kinda sad that they're gone.
Over it because daddy is so fun!

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