Today is my little angel's First Birthday. I cannot believe that a year has already passed since the first time we met face to face. He has truly been the biggest blessing in my life. He has really shown me what true love is. I have cherished every second of the past year that we have shared. There is no kind of love that is at all comparable to how a mother loves her child.
Speaking of his birthday, his 1st Birthday party was a success. Although I spent countless months planning for the best Mickey Mouse party ever, I did not finish all the things that I wanted to. I still think that the party was great! We had just about sixty or so guests which included 14 little ones. The item that did not get finished that I was most disappointed about was his Birthday banner that I was sewing. It's pretty labor intensive for my first sewing project ever. I am doing it double sided with an iron on in betweeen each side to make the fabric a little stiffer. Then, I was sewing the letters of the banner onto a ribbon for hanging purposes. Needless to say, its unfinished.
I have a tendency to take on much more than can physically and mentally be accomplished in a set amount of time. I handmade all of his invitations which involved getting a template, tracing it onto felt, cutting the felt and sewing them together. Then I had to hand sew two buttons onto each invite. Then, I made a booklet with all the party details contained inside. So that involed formatting, cutting and tying ribbon around it to attach. I will post pictures of the invite later along with a few of the pictures we got back from the photographer, Lisa already. (I asked her to email me a few so I can get working on the "thank you's".
In addition to the invites, I made Oreo Truffles and Oreo Truffles on sticks, chocolate covered pretzels with sprinkles wrapped in invidual bags for the kids gift bags. I also made custom labels for Notebooks with each childs name on it which were called Mouskenotebooks to play on the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse theme and labels for the bubbles and tags for the gift bags. There were also labels for the food in the shape of Mickey Mouse heads.
I had a sense of relief that the party was almost here and over the day before the party. That did not stop my brain from instantly thinking--"OMG-what am I going to do for next year?" Yes, that is how my mind works. I am most satisfied when I am planning something. I love planing parties with a theme. My idea's for Jude's 2nd Birthday are....drumroll please....Barnyard Animals or Transportation.
For the barnyard theme I could make invitations with a different animals face for each one. (a pig, cow, horse, chicken). For the favors I could make a trough or wheelbarrows with goodies in them. Also, on the food table I could have little nests on them with Peeps in them since Jude's birthday isn't far before Easter. For the tansportation theme, I was thinking I could do planes, trains and automobiles for the invites or an airline ticket type paper invite. For the favors I could do mini suitcases with luggage tags and box lunch type meals. How fun would either of those be? I am already feeling the pressure. Therefore, I am indeed a crazy person!

Birthday boy, Jude Maximus.

Opening gifts with mommy.
Some buffet details.
Mickey Mouse invites.
Bubbles with custom labels.
Mousekenotebooks for the gift bags.
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