Okay, so you don't have to tell me. I have been a terrible blogger. It's been six weeks since my last post and my only excuse is that I have been terribly busy. I do promise though, to be better! So let's see where I left off. I know that I was looking for inspiration for my living room project....but I still have not made up my mind. I have been collecting ideas from different blogs that I love and follow, so hopefully I will soon make a decision on what road to take. I must mention though that Clint and I have tentatively decided that we will stay in our current home. I think it would be too sad for us to leave our wonderful yard. Out love for our yard is being intensified as the trees and flowers are starting to bloom.
Since I last posted, we took a family vacation to Orlando, Florida. The resort we stayed at was actually in Clermont and was called Summer's Bay Resort. (our condo is pictured below).

The weather was better than we could have asked for; in the 80's and sunny every single day. The drive was long and grueling but went better than expected. Jude fussed for the first 1.5-2 hours and then was an angel the remaining 18 hours. I knew he couldn't wait to just get out of the car. When we took our bags up to our condo and set Jude down---to our amazement, he started walking for the first time! It was like he was trying to tell us that we were not going to trap him any longer, especially in that car! While there, we did a lot of hanging out by the pool, playing in the sand on the beach, we took a trip to the zoo, went to Downtown Disney and to Magic Kingdom. I think he had a great time. Will he likely remember any of it? No, not a chance. But it was worth it to see his face light up with excitement with each new thing he experienced.
Here are a few pics from our trip!

This is at Cracker Barrel after having breakfast following our long drive.

Enjoying a snack (strawberries-yum) at the pool.

Poolside family photo.

Jude's first experience with sand. I think he was confused.

Nap by the pool. He sure knows how to vacation!

At the Central Florida Zoo...completely mesmerized by the amphibians!

Taking a train ride at the zoo-he loved this!

The zoo had a fantastic splash park!

Clint captured this picture of Jude and myself. I was impressed!

This was Jude's favorite part of the entire zoo!

On the ferry at Downtown Disney--he was making eyes with an older woman.

We had to take a picture with this dog made out of legos. It looks just like our beagle, Roxy!

Our family in front of the castle!

Jude especially loved Pinnochio. I hope this isn't a clue as to the company he will later keep.

On the Dumbo ride.

His first official meeting with the man himself.

After a very long day--the little guy is tuckered out!
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