Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Books for travel

At this moment I am sitting at Detroit Metro Airport waiting to catch my second flight to Seattle.  I am going to visit my best friend Kristen.  This trip is long overdue.  I have been wanting to visit and have talked about it forever...and I am finally doing it.  I talked to Clint about it awhile back anddetermined that if I don't go now....I may never go, especially with having two kids. 

The original plan was that Jude and Clint would come in the airport and see me off but since it was raining and Jude fell back asleep, I told Clint to just drop me off at the door.  As soon as I kissed both of my boys and shut the door, I began to cry.  I have only stayed one night away from Jude since his birth and that time I was only about an hour away. This is going to be tough, but I know I need this.
About a half hour later Clint called and said that Jude wanted to talk to me.  In his beautiful , sleepy voice he said "mommy ride airplane today?"  I said "yes" and explained to him how his day was going to go.  He responded by telling me "no biting or hitting, and play nicely" which is what I discussed with him the night before.  What a joy he is.  I miss him dearly.

Yesterday I went to the library in the afternoon and chose two books for my trip only to be denied being able to check them out.  I had a book out that was severly overdue and unless I paid about $18 for it or returned it, I would biy br able to check any more out.  I knew I had the book somewhere but couldn't put my finger on where.  I went home and found it within 3 minutes maybe.  Luckily, the library doesn't close til 8 PM on Tuesdays so when Clint arrived home from track practice I went to retrieve the books.

Here is what I chose:
The first one is called "A Different Kind of Perfect" by Cindy Dowling, Neil Nicoll and Bernadette Thomas.  It contains writings by parents on raising children with special needs. 
I started it on my shirt flight from Flint to Detroit.  The preface was intriguing as it explained how the book was set up.  The chapters are broken up into sections such ad Grief, Denial, Acceptance, Spirituality and Laughter.

The second one is called "29 Gifts, How a month of giving can change your life" by Cami Walker.  I read the inside cover at the library and was instantly attracted to it.  It is about a woman who was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and couldn't escape the negative thoughts that plagued her.  She was told by an African medicine woman who was her friend to give away 29 gifts in 29 days.  It tells of how this 'prescription' changed her. 

I am so excited to read this one.  It may be just what I need to get my mind off the negative thoughts about Gwenyth's possible diagnosis which is what my mind seems to be consumed with a majority of the time.

As my trip to Seattle continues, I will keep you all updated about how it is going.

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