Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Beauty in any situation.

This morning I woke up thinking about how grateful I am to the people in my life.  There are so many people praying for our family and supporting us with kind words and gestures.  Sometimes it's hard to see the beauty in a bad situation, but already without the diagnosis I am seeing the beauty in this situation.  It has once again brought me closer to God and my faith, made me realize how wonderfully blessed we are to have the friends and family that we do, it gives me an appreciation good health and it has helped me to slow down and to live in the moment.  If Jude asks me to "come", which to him means come play in his room, when I am in the middle of something - I have simply just stopped and granted his request.  It's been wonderful and I figure, who really cares if I have a load of clothes laying on the couch to fold for an extra day? 

Our appointment is today around noon.  Wish us luck.

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